Off Grid Homesteading

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Off Grid Homesteading

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Sun Feb 23, 2014 9:25 pm

This is one family's story about living off the grid in Canada. They did not sugar coat the process and told you all of the problems and potential drawbacks, that's why I liked it. :D They tried to start the process at exactly the wrong time of year, but they still made it happen.
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Re: Off Grid Homesteading

Postby SilverFlame819 » Sun Feb 23, 2014 10:46 pm

I remember seeing this in the past and thinking - Holy crap, that man's got a lot of money to waste. Seems most of us try a more DIY approach, I think. We start off without much money and work toward our goals, planning to never have that much money, but to feel content with what we've accomplished. I have a hard time relating to people with a bunch of money, who throw it at professionals to do it all for them, and then kick back with a glass of lemonade at the end. If I could do it that way, I probably would - to a degree. But it just seems like cheating to my broke soul. :)

I guess I just think that they may feel more secure in the end, because they have their "safe house" or whatever to go to... But if you do it yourself, you have that PLUS a sense of deep-seated satisfaction at what you've created.
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Re: Off Grid Homesteading

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Sun Feb 23, 2014 11:51 pm

I understand your thinking Silver, and I can agree with you, to a point. I was thinking how nice it would be to have a Back Hoe, or how nice it would be to have your stuff air lifted in, or have a band saw mill. We all use the resources that we have whether that be a Back Hoe, band saw mill, used Pick Up truck, chain saw, peavey, friends with a strong back and a weak mind, or 1st hand knowledge about the building trades. Its no sin to use the resources that you have to make your dreams come true , to live the way you have always dreamed of living. I was thinking similar thoughts to you when he brought the crew in to build his cabin, and had a helicopter air lift the stuff in for him, but the bottom line is that he and his wife are now living their dream. Not that many people are doing that, no matter how they got there. :D
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Re: Off Grid Homesteading

Postby mannytheseacow » Mon Feb 24, 2014 3:03 am

I remember seeing a video of Les building his place. At that time I had a young child and remember thinking what a cool and inspirational role model he was to those kids and how crazy it must be to have him for a dad and grow up with alternative-minded parents. I think he possesses a wonderful virtue in that he can think for himself and question reality, and in the process leave himself vulnerable and over come his obstacles. He no doubt made some money off his TV series and survival competitions.... and now that my daughter's older and I've experienced so many parts of this planet that are kind of seriously messed up, I think my feelings have changed a bit to be a bit more philanthropic... but to each their own, you know. He's got just as much right to live his dream as bankers have the right to trade their stocks on wall street. And in the big picture, with him filming it all, he's probably having a pretty big impact on lots of people. Hopefully they're not all dreaming of flying in all their "stuff' to remote places, cuz there aint that many left.
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