Member Profile Information

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Member Profile Information

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Tue Jan 28, 2014 4:09 pm

I have been a member for a long time now, with the exception of Matt who started to site and Lolly who joined 20 minutes before I did I am one of the oldest members here. I don't like to give a lot of personal information out on the internet, and I expect that many people here fell the same as I do about that. But I think it would be helpful when you fill out your member profile to include a little more information about where you are located. Even just your growing Zone so we know what the weather is like where you live, or the country your from, or the state you live in, anything would be a help in giving advise about what to plant and when. I do not think this should be a Mandatory requirement, I joined here because the owner of another Permaculture site got to Dictatorial in his demand for personal information, I just think a little more basic information about what you are dealing with would be helpful to all of us when you ask questions about planting say figs, that won't grow in my area with out a lot of winter protection, or pecans that only have one Northern hardy variety etc. Just a suggestion to the group. What does every one else think?
Last edited by pa_friendly_guy on Wed Jan 29, 2014 2:44 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Member Profile Information

Postby matt walker » Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:50 pm

I agree Guy, but at the same time I sure hate trying to register on a site and there is just too much to fill out. That really turns me off. I think the best we can do is once someone is participating here regularly, we can ask them politely if they wouldn't mind putting up location info. I do completely agree with you, it sure helps to know where folks are.
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Re: Member Profile Information

Postby Lollykoko » Tue Jan 28, 2014 5:57 pm

I remember that site you are referring to, Guy. I refused to put my real name out on the internet where anyone could use it to check tax records for the specific location of my corner of heaven. I did give a "real sounding" name, but it only took a day or two for me to decide that it was more like lying than I wanted to do, and I left the site. What I have shared here is the screen name I selected back in 1994 when I got my first computer, and it is really, really ME.

That said, I have no problem telling folks the state or even the county where I'm located. Just don't expect the road designations of the nearest corner, unless you are planning to visit for a project weekend. :lol:
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Re: Member Profile Information

Postby pa_friendly_guy » Tue Jan 28, 2014 10:27 pm

I gave a " Real Sounding Name " on that other site as well Lolly. And I had the same problem, it felt like lying to me. I still go there on occasion, and they still have a wealth of information available there, it just doesn't feel the same so I don't get on that site very often now . The owner of that site just got too Dictatorial for me. I don't want to see that here. I was just making a suggestion that if we had a little bit more information about a member it would be easier to give advice that made sense for their location. In this day and age I understand why people do not want to give out much personal information on any web site.
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Re: Member Profile Information

Postby GrahamB » Wed Jan 29, 2014 6:10 am

I think the fact that we are a small group that have pretty much got to know each other over the last couple of years, we can trust each other enough that if we wanted to visit one another, most of us would give directions to our place. Heck, I would probably draw you a map. As for that other place, it has got too big to be friendly anymore and 'his majesty' has gotten bigger than his boots. I recently got told I was disrespectful because I had expressed my point of view on a certain matter and it happened it wasn't his point of view. This is a good place with good people. :)
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