My next chapter...

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Re: My next chapter...

Postby mannytheseacow » Fri Oct 31, 2014 5:29 am

Hagrid, what you have built there is beyond rocket heater and quite the functional work of art. Please post some photos of the functioning assembled stove 'cause man, that is awesome!

There is scrounging and then there is salvaging and then there is a whole new level of awesomeness. Really love what you have done there.
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Re: My next chapter...

Postby smallhagrid » Tue Nov 04, 2014 4:23 pm

Thank You Matt & Manny, for your kind thoughts.

Lately I've been running around more than usual so the RH got some very good curing time - which I am certain is a good thing.
Before all that - I managed to squeeze in the final work I needed to do with the mortar to jacket the feed area and seal a few other spots & generally just add some more strength & mass where it was needed.

Given that mortar is so inexpensive & that I see no need to keep any more of the dry stuff sitting around - it was used quite freely...
(And there is STILL around 20 pounds left in the open bag !!)

Moving forward...
I need to clean up that room - collect tree drops from the hillside here - and after that my goal is to post more pics here when I'm stuck indoors with the wet weather which is said to be coming very soon.

As of now I am satisfied with how it came out & eager to put some fire into it to see what may be different in how it works after the changes I made to it.

An important note for anyone who may be interested:
There still exists the possibility that I will be leaving this location at almost anytime between now and spring.
If I somehow -do- manage to relocate=>
Despite being 'portable' - this thing is quite heavy - and if/when I get done here it will likely need a new home (not with me).

In that case - anyone here who wishes to bring a small truck & a few bodies to southern Vermont will be welcome to have it - gratis - minus the forced draft unit I made for it, because I cannot duplicate that part of it easily a'tall.

I am quite certain that it could be safely & carefully brought down the stairs with some planning, manpower & small adjustments.
(I will not even attempt that effort on my own.)

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Re: My next chapter...

Postby matt walker » Tue Nov 04, 2014 5:01 pm

Very cool, what a nice gesture. Hopefully you'll find someone close enough who can put your hard work to good use. Good luck on the move if it comes to pass.
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Re: My next chapter...

Postby smallhagrid » Thu Nov 06, 2014 1:27 am

OK, finally got that room somewhat hoed out & cleaned so the finished (??) RH can be better seen & snapped some shots to share here.

'Tis a small room which limits how much can be squeezed into a photo as I simply cannot back up enough - so here's a bunch from slightly different angles; hopefully they will give a good enough idea of the whole thing...somehow ?!?









Not much to tell as I've yet to put any fire in it, and the extension cord coiled atop it is normally on the floor & used to plug in the forced draft unit - but was coiled to be out of the way for floor sweeping & washing.

Soon as the floor dries the outlet tubing is going to get hung in another spot to create another convolution and THEN I'll put a wee fire into it just to satisfy my curiosity...

The real testing won't be until I actually need some heat around here.
Right now it is 39F outside,
Because of all the heat the downstairs folks make so endlessly it is staying just under 70F up here right now.
It seldom gets below 60F here until it gets good & chilly outside - unless there's a good bit of wind going on - which there ain't tonight.
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Re: My next chapter...

Postby smallhagrid » Tue Nov 11, 2014 9:08 pm

Jeesh - 11/11/14 & it is 58F outside & 66F in here - no need for heating a'tall !!!

I did put fire into the RH for most of an hour after last time I posted and it did just what it should.
No leaks or surprises.

Of course that is with a relatively cold test & if/when it finally gets chilly around here will be when it'll show how durable it may be compared to what it was.

I'm not in any hurry for the deeper chill to arrive so I'll just enjoy the nice, cool days until it comes & post back here once the RH is in actual, regular usage.

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11/19/14...and counting !!

Postby smallhagrid » Thu Nov 20, 2014 1:30 am

OK, we finally had some cooler weather & were actually home to want some heat, phew !!

The RH works gloriously well post-improvements.

One mystery is that it seems to burn better AND hold the heat longer than it did at its best last year.
This baffles me a bit as it seems that I didn't change it enough to make it so different.

All that is added compared to what it was at the very beginning is maybe 50 more pounds of mortar and the customized clay pots.
Maybe the improvements have to do with it being tighter than when it was 1st built - as well as the rocket tube having alot more mass to it than originally as it is now mostly filled with mortar.

We are due for some even cooler weather very soon, so it'll get used more & burned hotter soon, so then I'll see what else may be different about it, if anything.

One thing has NOT changed about all this for me:
I am still delighted to have built this most excellent source of heating !!

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Re: My next chapter...

Postby mannytheseacow » Fri Nov 21, 2014 1:09 am

Very awesome, Hagrid. Every time I look at the pictures I just want to say "chitty-chitty-bang-bang". I'm glad it's working out for. Best wishes and stay warm!
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